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Robot for Next Gen Aerospace Maintaining Solution: Clean, Inspect, Repair with Precision
about the company
what, why, and how
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Name: Skywalkers
Date of Listing: September 24th, 2023
Field: Aerospace Engineering
Main Business: Skywalker aerospace maintaining climbing robot series
Tagline: Next Gen Aerospace Maintaining Solution: Clean, Inspect, Repair with Precision
CEO: Rain Chai
Core Technician: Doris He
Responsible for the commercial parts of our products
CEO of Skywalkers
Responsible for the technological parts of our products
Core Technician of Skywalkers
The impact of the aerospace industry on mankind is enormous. With the development of the it, how to ensure the normal operation of spacecraft solar panels becomes a serious issue. Traditional maintaining involves manual interventions through complex and costly spacewalks and self-cleaning, presenting challenges and risks that compromise safety, efficiency, cost, mission duration and sustainability.
The harsh space environment poses harms to solar panels, such as the accumulation of debris and dust, potential damage from micrometeoroids, and wear-and-tear over time. The current reliance on human spacewalks for maintenance not only requires extensive resources but also exposes astronauts to increased risks during extended missions. This is because each manned launch costs at least tens of millions of dollars, and astronauts are exposed to high radiation and high voltages for an average of seven hours during a spacewalk (four hours for the way to solar panel).
While many spacecraft solar panels are self-cleaning, various mechanisms are utilized to reduce dust and debris build-up, or to increase power generation by spinning. However, spacecraft that carry out low-Earth orbit missions, such as the International Space Station, are exposed to relatively high levels of atmospheric drag and residual atmosphere, which can cause contaminants to build up on the solar panels, including dust, particles, and residues from thruster ignition. For missions outside of low-Earth orbit, such as the Webb telescope or the landers on Mars and Moon, power generation can be significantly affected by micrometeoroid impacts or other types of pollutants that accumulate during long-term missions. Similar situations cannot be solved by self-cleaning, and it is easy to cause space debris pollution during the process.
We decided to invent a customized climbing robot that can replace manual operations and assist the self-cleaning system in order to maintain the solar panels during the mission. It will be installed on every spacecraft as an aerospace standardized configuration with a sleeping pod, a charging device, a track change device, and a communication system.
fully automated process, no spacewalks required
accompany the entire mission without the expense of additional manned launches and spacewalks
precise positioning, no preparation required
long-term solar panel maintenance is integral to achieving mission objectives, promoting mission sustainability, and unlocking the full potential of spacecraft over their operational lifetimes
Name: Skywalker I (Standard Size)
Selling Price: $129,800 per set
Positioning: Customized Aerospace Standardized Configuration
Main Function: Clean, Inspect, Repair Spacecraft's Solar Panels
Length: 260mm
Width: 240mm
Height: 30mm
Weight: 950g : 450g demo mass+500g titanium coat (not shown above)
Material: ABS Plastic Coated With Titanium
Energy Supply: 9V rechargeable Lithium-ion battery
Controller: ESP32
Maximum Speed: 1.5cm/s
Inspired by: Robot Design Engineering Lab
Control mechanisms: Auto-control
Applicable spacecraft type: LEO, GEO, interplanetary probe, deep space, lander...
Notes: The specific scale-up ratio, price and the number of robots that carried are determined by the number and size of solar panels of particular spacecraft; The specific frequency of use is determined by the type of the mission of particular spacecraft. Contact us for more detailed information.
Recommendation: Standard size is suitable for most spacecraft; Each unit of solar panel should equipped with one Skywalker; Foldable panels should consider the size
(final product is not exactly the same as the above demo picture)
click the icon and watch how does the robot work
-two modules, four small units, twelve tracks, enhance stability
-drive by motors between units, plenty of power
-servos in connector, adjust posture
-0.5mm titanium coat, effectively prevent components and electronic components from being corroded or irradiated during the mission
Why choose adhesive tracks?
According to the adsorption mechanism of wall-climbing robots, they can be divided into four categories: negative pressure adsorption, magnetic adsorption, grab buckle adsorption and bionic adsorption. In order for the robot to work in space, keep energy consumption low, and maintain normal productivity during the period of aerospace mission, bionic adsorption is the best choice.
Typically, bionic adsorption robots choose to use tiny bristle-like fiber tracks or micro-adhesive array tracks. Although not shown in the demo, our final product will be equipped with one of these two tracks to ensure that the robot is always in the most effective working condition.
-Adaptable in space: firmly attached tape tracks allow the robot to work at moving or stationary spacecraft, and titanium coating and rechargeable Lithium-ion batteries ensure the life and efficiency of the robot
-Energy-saving: battery powered only, no energy is used at rest
-Multifunction: different maintenance tools are available to carry
-Economical: durable and effective
The robot is loaded in a sleeping pod and continuously recharged before launch. The pod shares footage with the cameras on the outside of the spacecraft. When it recognizes a potential task, it opens the hatch and releases the robot. After the robot is released, it activates the movement mechanism and arrives at the target area to complete the task. Garbage that appears during the mission is brought back to the sleeping pod, and it re-entered through an open hatch and the hatch then closed. The sleeping pod then replaces the robot‘s tracks and recharges it.
Name: Skywalker II (Standard Size)
Selling Price: $159,800 per set
Positioning: Customized Aerospace Standardized Configuration
Main Function: Clean, Inspect, Repair Spacecraft's Solar Panels
Length: 330mm
Width: 260mm
Height: 30mm
Weight: 1050g: mass 600g+titanium coat 550g (not shown above)
Material: ABS Plastic Coated With Titanium
Energy Supply: 9V rechargeable Lithium-ion battery
Controller: ESP32
Maximum Speed: 1.5cm/s
Control mechanisms: Auto-control
Applicable spacecraft type: LEO, GEO, interplanetary probe, deep space, lander...
Notes: The specific scale-up ratio, price, and the number of robots that carried are determined by the number and size of solar panels of particular spacecraft; The specific frequency of use is determined by the type of the mission of particular spacecraft. Contact us for more detailed information.
Recommendation: Standard size is suitable for most spacecraft; Each unit of solar panel should equipped with one Skywalker; Foldable panels should consider the size.
(final product is not exactly the same as the above demo picture)
click the icon and watch how does the robot work, including posture adjusting, turning, and moving at approximately zero-gravity condition
More accurate positioning, more flexible routes, and less time spent on the journey
Carry more and heavier vehicles
Flip through more complex obstacles to better maintain posture
Avoid track sticking, maintain optimal speed, and reduce the frequency of track changes
Visually simulate working conditions in space
Fully automated system, the whole process can be unmonitored
If the ISS uses Skywalker, it can save at least 36.1% of the cost on maintaining (including spacecraft, launch, astronaut training, spacesuit development and maintenance, technology, and mission control operations )
Save at least 50% of time, especially the time on preparation and on the way between solar panel and spacecraft
Increase the power generation rate of solar panels by 10% to 30% in the long term, thus extending the lifetime of mission and the spacecraft
Develop better technologies to make parts and materials that are more suitable for its mission and the space environment
Reduce costs through new inventions and discoveries, and thus lower prices
Become an indispensable standardized configuration for aerospace on a global scale
Collaborate with cutting-edge space agencies and private companies to conduct high-quality experiments and tests to make better products
Break into markets on earth, such as use Skywalkers to maintain and overhaul dangerous tanks
welcome to visit us anytime during business hours.